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Events & Activities

Calgary Centre hosts a number of exciting activities throughout the year.

To learn more about the public presentations please click on Speakers Series.

Over the past five years, Calgary Centre members have done field studies and archival research to assist with the documentation of the Glenbow Town and Quarry. In past seasons they discovered the Dickson residence! They exposed its stone foundation and excavated nails, glass, china, and other historic artifacts.

Please check back for information on our upcoming field trips, workshops, and other activities!

Speaker Series

Invited speakers present their research and knowledge to our members. These talks usually take place on the third Wednesday of the month in the Patricia A. Whelan Room at the Calgary Public Library – Central Location. The talks begin at 7:00 pm.

Abstracts for talks, as well as past talks, can be found on Calgary centre`s website:

Upcoming Events

29 March

Event: Introduction to Flintknapping and Stone Tools Workshop 2024

9 to 3 pm both days
Mount Royal University
Hello Flintknappers and Future Flintknappers,
16 April

Speaker Series: How Art and Literature made Indians, 1800-1860

7:00 PM
Calgary Central Public Library
Speaker: Dr. I. S. MacLaren