The ASA logo is an Alberta Spear Point—People used this point approximately 9,500 years ago. It was first collected as an artifact in the Cereal area by avocational archaeologist, Russell Johnston. In 1957, Marie Wormington defined the Alberta Point typology.
The colours used on the website and our brochures were chosen to represent the stratigraphy of units, trees and grass, the plains, and the sun. The font for the ASA header is reminiscent of the Sharpie pens used in the field.
Join our archaeology community by becoming a member and enjoy benefits such as discounted prices for events, workshops, and activities. You'll also receive a subscription to the Alberta Archaeological Review, which features the latest reports on archaeology in Alberta. By joining, you'll have the opportunity to run for board positions and support the vision and mission of the Archaeological Society of Alberta. Each Centre has its own unique benefits for members. Anyone with an interest in archaeology is welcome to join.
Did you know that Alberta has a rich history? People have been living in Alberta for about 13,000 years!
The Archaeological Society of Alberta Centres hosts a variety of engaging and interactive events that allow participants to connect with the archaeology of Alberta.
If you're interested in getting involved with the archaeological community and making a difference, consider volunteering on one of the Centres' boards. This will allow you to be a part of the decision-making process of the ASA.
Even getting a membership or liking us on Facebook can make an impact! If you have any ideas or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact the Provincial Coordinator to get involved.