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This award was established by the ASA to honour the memory of Johan (John) Dormaar (1930 - 2011).

The John Dormaar award will be presented to an individual who, through production of a substantive piece of written work, has significantly advanced the understanding and appreciation of Alberta archaeology and related disciplines. It is an “occasional” award, announced at the ASA Annual General Meeting.

The nomination/application deadline is March 1st for presentation at the AGM. Nominations are accepted throughout the year. An Award Selection Committee will be created each year by the Society Executive to evaluate the nomination/application; recommendations will be then be presented to the executive.

There may be an option of making a joint nomination for a pair of members whose contributions are inseparable, or for a posthumous nomination for a deceased member of the ASA.

The Award serves to recognize a written piece of work by a student, a professional or an avocationalist, for a professional or general audience.

  1. Dissemination in a provincial or regional journal, a book, a monograph, on the web, or in the visual arts;
  2. Or in a newspaper, or a magazine;
  3. Or as an unpublished piece, such as a manuscript;
  4. Or a presentation at an ASA AGM followed by written submission of the paper or poster material.

Priority will be given to nominees/applicants that who’s research involved more than one discipline: History, Archaeology, Native studies, Landscape Science, such as Geology, Soils, Geomorphology, etc, as long as archaeology was a part of it, in recognition of John’s multi-disciplinary expertise.

The topic or the work submitted should be based in Northwestern North America.

An Award amount of $1,000.00 will be presented to the recipient, as well as a suitably inscribed parchment that will be signed by the provincial President and Executive Secretary-Treasurer.

Click here for the ASA John Dormaar Award Guidelines (PDF)